Has Quivers Club Grabbed Parking Bay From City Hall?

By The Weekly Vision Team

The recently built Wakulima Market on Nairobi’s Kangundo Road, which has been in the news for all the wrong reasons, is back in the spotlight after it was discovered that high-ranking county officials are abusing the market facilities for personal financial gain.

According to investigations, on February 17, 2024, customers of the nearby Quivers Club parked their cars in the market’s parking lot as they enjoyed their drinks overnight. However, how the market’s gates were opened for the club’s patrons raised eyebrows, with concerned citizens taking photos and videos of the same. The one-million-dollar question is: did Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja enter into any lease agreement with the management of Quivers Club to use the market’s parking yard, or did he donate it for free?

It’s still unclear whether the governor is aware that Quivers Club uses the market’s parking lot to park their customers’ cars each weekend. If the governor is unaware, it is quite likely that a few high-ranking City Hall officials have been taking huge sums of money from the Quivers club management each weekend. Sources say that for Quivers to use the parking space, senior officials at city hall like the director of parking or the director of markets must have been part of the illegal arrangement. 

Also believed to be in the deal are the area sub-county administrator and ward administrator, as well as the sub-county commander. Nairobi residents are now calling upon the governor to come out and declare his interest in the matter, and if he approves it, he should make the matter public for scrutiny.

However, if the county government has never entered into any agreement with Quivers Club management, the governor should order immediate investigations to ensure those behind this deal are brought to account for the monies they have been illegally collecting from the managers of Quivers Club. It is highly suspected that if the governor is not aware of the deal, those behind him have been pocketing large amounts of money every week, for which they should be surcharged.