DP Rigathi Gachagwa Is Already Crafting His 2032 Presidential Plan With Cleophas Malala At The Centre 

It is widely believed that DP Rigathi Gachagwa is using Malala to fight Mudavadi and the strategy is to push him to fold his ANC party and join UDA, by the time he realizes that he does not have a party to control, he will be at the mercy of the UDA leadership where Gachagwa is deputy party leader

The raging political supremacy battle in western Kenya between Amani National Congress party (ANC) of Musalia Mudavadi and United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party Secretary General Cleophas Malala, has turned sour after Mr Malala described Mudavadi’s outfit as a village party.

But where has Mr. Malala drawn the courage to attack a person of Mudavadi’s stature in the country’s political formation? That is the question on the lips of many in western Kenya, with political analysts saying Mr. Malala is fighting MM on instructions from a big man in Nairobi.

So, who could be the big man sponsoring Malala to fight MM? What could be the possible endgame of such attacks against MM? Mr. Mudavadi introduced Mr. Malala to politics when he nominated him as MCA, sponsored him to win the Kakamega Senatorial seat, and also sponsored him to vie for the Kakamega county gubernatorial seat. 

It is widely believed that DP Rigathi Gachagwa is using Malala to fight Mudavadi and the strategy is to push him to fold his ANC party and join UDA, by the time he realizes that he does not have a party to control, he will be at the mercy of the UDA leadership where Gachagwa is deputy party leader. 

The idea is to have all Kenya Kwanza affiliate parties fold and join UDA or form another political outfit where President Ruto will remain the party leader and the DP, deputy party leader. In the new set-up, Mudavadi, being a civil servant, shall not hold any position in that party. The long-term objective of Mr Gachagua is to deny Mudavadi any chance of deputizing William Ruto for the 2027 Presidential run or having a platform to use in 2032. Gachagua knows well that Mudavadi without ANC behind him is an empty shell. 

Analysts say that should Mudavadi fold the ANC to join UDA or whatever political outfit by the current Kenya Kwanza top leadership, then he will be writing his political obituary. Other sources, however, claim that the Gachagwa-Malala’s new political union is in a game plan for 2032. DP Gachagwa is grooming Malala to be his running mate in 2032, a plan that they can only execute by reducing Mudavadi to a mere political spectator in UDA.

The rate at which Malala has been facilitated to run the UDA party, to the extent of attending cabinet meetings is a clear indication that his political star could shine brighter by 2032 while that of Mudavadi will be on the nosedive. 

The truth of the matter is that the post-Ruto 2032 political game plan is already taking shape with Gachagua and Malala at the centre. Considering the current poor relations between DP Gachagwa and Mudavadi, there is no way the two can run for the top seat as a team, and that is where Malala comes in to deputize Gachagua in 2032.

Gachagua strongly believes that Mudavadi is his greatest threat in his 2032 presidential bid and that is why he has recruited Mr Malala to checkmate him and render him politically irrelevant in his home of western Kenya. Both know that one way of making Mudavadi irrelevant is to frustrate Luhya unity. Politically speaking, once the ANC and Ford-Kenya are folded, Luhya unity will remain as it has always been, elusive, and that is what the duo is burning midnight oil scheming on.