Construction Of Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) In Malava Set To Start

By Andanje Wakhungu

The construction work for the Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) Malava sub-county branch is set to commence soon. Phase one which is of the administration block that is estimated to cost Ksh.27Million will be launched soon by the area Mp Malulu Injendi, paving the way for the commencement of classrooms. 

Already two classrooms have been constructed at the site. The Malava NG-CDF fund manager Collins Obuya briefed the media on the progress at the constituency office. He said the Kenya Medical Technical College (KMTC) Board had been directed to set up administration blocks at various sub-counties first to enable operations of the college to begin.  “The Board met President William Ruto and was redirected to set up their colleges in their respective regions, that is now being implemented across all the KMTC colleges within the country”.

The manager advised the locals to embrace the project as it was coming with a lot of goodies for them in terms of employment and economic empowerment.

‘In the coming weeks, we will be launching the construction of our KMTC and it is going to offer employment opportunity for the locals working at the construction site, sale of food and after which the students and administration will also need places to live, shop, dine and wine within the vicinity and those with finances to invest in these areas are bound to benefit heavily from the college once it’s up and running.’

The institution is going to change the face of the sub-county and empower the locals economically. He also called on those with professional skills and those also interested in casual jobs to present themselves for acknowledgement before the work begin.