War Erupts In Azimio Over The 2027 Presidential Candidate

By The Weekly Vision Team

An ugly power struggle between Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka and Narc-Kenya Party leader Martha Karua is shaping up over Azimio’s next presidential candidate, sources say. The power struggle now threatens the unity in the coalition, and if not addressed as a matter of urgency, it might jeopardise the coalition’s bid to kick President William Ruto from power in 2027.

What is clear, though, is that nothing will stop Kalonzo Musyoka from contesting for the presidency in 2027. Mr Musyoka’s close political allies say that should he opt out for whatever reason, be it personal or political, then he’ll automatically lose control of Ukambani politics. “Whether Azimio and ODM leader Raila Odinga back Mr Musyoka in 2027 or not, his name must be on the ballot paper,” Mr Musyoka’s allies told The Weekly Vision.

Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka. Photo/ Courtesy

However, those of us who have watched Kalonzo’s moves keenly in the recent past will agree that there is a need for him to work on his communication strategy. There are claims that he is making political outbursts that might cost him dearly.

During a series of TV interviews in the last few weeks, Kalonzo claimed that there will only be two horses in 2027, and that will be himself against William Ruto. Kalonzo’s attack on the Kamwene leadership forum seems to have rubbed Marthat Karua on the wrong side. Kalonzo was heard dismissing the group, which is led by Karua and Jubilee Secretary General Jeremiah Kioni, describing the group as “dead on arrival.” In unsolicited advice to Martha Karua and her team, Mr Kalonzo boldly told her to abandon Kamwene and direct her efforts towards building Azimio and supporting his (Kalonzo’s) 2027 presidential bid.

 However, Karua, in a quick response, wondered why Kalonzo was obsessed with Kamwene. Karua warned Kalonzo to stop being misled by a section of Kamba leaders, including the clergy, businessmen, politicians, and tycoons, saying he is not the automatic presidential candidate for Azimio in 2027. Yet again, while giving Kalonzo what she termed unsolicited advice, she urged Kalonzo to allow only people who could give him the best political advice to be in his inner circle.

 Pundits now believe that, as much as Kalonzo has the potential to receive a significant number of votes from the Mount Kenya region, attacking Kamwene and Karua will make him politically irresponsible and that his support in the region might dwindle ahead of the 2027 elections.

The truth of the matter is that come 2027, the Mount Kenya votes will be up for grabs, as President Ruto has already lost a big chunk of the votes.

Analysts now say that Kalonzo should first know the real force behind the formation of the Kamwene, with rumours saying that retired President Uhuru Kenyatta is behind it.