Why Kalonzo Musyoka Remains Ruto’s Biggest Threat Ahead Of The 2027 Presidential Race  

By The Weekly Vision Team

If the unfortunate events that followed Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka’s last week’s tour of Embu, Meru, and Tharaka Nithi are anything to go by, then President William Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza administration has greatly panicked. The government is now using alternative ways to stop Mr Kalonzo from popularising his presidential candidature at the earliest opportunity. 

According to a political analyst, Mr Kalonzo seems to have won the hearts and minds of the Azimio leadership led by retired president Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM leader Raila Odinga, and what is now left is for the two leaders to publicly endorse him as the coalition’s 2027 presidential flag bearer. Sources have divulged to The Weekly Vision that Mr Kalonzo has already assembled a team of advisers who are secretly working behind the scenes to rebrand his 2027 bid. Sources say several Ukambani tycoons who have all along been financing Kalonzo’s political activities are ready and willing to finance him should he be named the flag bearer.

Mr Kalonzo has embarked on the reorganisation of his Wiper Democratic Party through membership recruitment rallies, a move that has sent Kenya Kwanza into panic mode. It was evident that the administration of President Ruto had panicked after the police stopped Mr. Kalonzo’s planned rallies in Tharaka Nithi. The big question is: why would Kenya Kwanza panic at Kalonzo’s first trip to Tharaka Nithi? According to Kalonzo’s insiders, the aborted tour of Thataka Nithi sent shockwaves to Kenya Kwanza operatives, who had tried in vain to stop locals from welcoming and attending Kalonzo’s planned activities in the county.

It is evident that President Ruto is losing grip of the Mount Kenya region, and the entry of Kalonzo might result in a mass defection from the UDA to the Wiper party. Another fear is the re-emergence of PNU through former CS Peter Munya, who has also re-launched the party and is also sending cold shivers down the spine of Kenya Kwanza. A combination of Kaolonzo’s Wiper and Munya’s PNU is what is making President William Ruto spend sleepless nights, hence the disruption and blocking of Kalonzo’s political activities in Tharaka Nithi.

Sources say Mr. Kalonzo’s handlers had plotted to outsmart President Ruto at the Chuka rally considering that a week before the aborted rally, the president was at the same spot where he received a low-keyed reception as his presence did not attract a crowd as it used to be during the campaigns.