Bondo MP Gideon Ochanda Pushes For NG-CDF Administrative Structure Reforms

Bondo Member of Parliament Gideon Ochanda is spearheading efforts to reform the constituency’s administrative structure following the establishment of an additional sub-county. Ochanda, known for his advocacy on local governance issues, sees this as an opportunity to enhance service delivery and streamline resource allocation in the region.

In a recent interview with Ramogi Radio, Ochanda articulated the need for a comprehensive review of Bondo’s political boundaries. He emphasized that the constituency’s geographical expanse, which includes six habitable islands along Lake Victoria, warrants a closer examination of its administrative setup.

Acknowledging the positive impact of the newly formed Usigu sub-county, Ochanda stressed the importance of equitable representation and resource distribution across Bondo. He proposed the subdivision of the constituency into two distinct entities, a move aimed at addressing the diverse needs of its population.

Ochanda’s call for constituency reform aligns with his broader vision for community development and effective governance. He believes that a well-structured administrative framework will empower local leaders to address pressing issues and foster sustainable growth in Bondo.

Beyond his advocacy for administrative reforms, Ochanda also voiced his support for Azimio leader Raila Odinga’s candidacy for the chairmanship of the African Union Commission. He commended Odinga’s leadership credentials and expressed confidence in his ability to represent Kenya’s interests on the continental stage.

As discussions around constituency boundaries and governance structures continue, Ochanda remains committed to advocating for the best interests of Bondo residents. His proactive approach to addressing key challenges underscores his dedication to promoting positive change and progress in the region.