Wiper Party Leader Kalonzo Musyoka Highlights Corruption Within Government

During a recent governance convention in Naivasha, Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka voiced significant concerns over rampant corruption within government operations, emphasizing the detrimental impact it has on the country’s security and institutional integrity. Kalonzo, also a co-principal of the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition, highlighted troubling findings from a December report by the Public Service Commission, which found that 1,280 public officers had falsified their academic credentials.

 Kalonzo expressed particular alarm over the corruption marring the recruitment processes in critical government sectors, notably the police force. He warned that compromised recruitment practices threaten to destabilize national security and could potentially lead to unrest. Drawing on his extensive experience with peace missions in the region, Kalonzo stressed the grave consequences of undermining the composition of national defence forces.

 In his speech, Kalonzo also critiqued President William Ruto’s administration for contributing to the current economic hardships faced by Kenyans, attributing the soaring cost of living to the president’s authoritarian approach. He accused the President of undermining the National Dialogue Committee (NADCO), particularly its efforts to address the cost of living crisis. According to Kalonzo, attempts to discuss this pressing issue were thwarted by political pressure from the top, leaving the concerns of many Kenyans unaddressed.

 The convention also saw calls from members of various county public service boards for increased financial autonomy, aiming to improve governance and service delivery at the county level.