Justice And Legal Affairs Parliamentary Committee Begins Reviewing NADCO Report

The Senate Justice and Legal Affairs Committee kicked off its sessions on Thursday to delve into the National Dialogue Committee’s (NADCO) report, aiming to transform its recommendations into legislation for implementation. The committee faces a tight deadline of 45 days to thoroughly examine all eight issues outlined in the report and present its findings to the bicameral house within the specified timeline.

Chairpersons George Morongara and Hilary Sege led members through initial procedures and working modalities to facilitate the committee’s mandate. They emphasized the need for efficient deliberations and left open the possibility of extending the timeline if necessary, pending consultation with Parliament.

The committee is tasked with crafting four bills originating from the National Assembly and four from the Senate based on the NADCO report’s recommendations. The proposed legislative measures cover various areas, including electoral reform, ethics and anti-corruption, opposition leadership, and government coordination.

Of particular focus is the overhaul of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), as suggested by the NADCO report. Proposed changes include expanding the selection panel and evaluating the 2022 electoral process, addressing concerns raised by opposition parties.

Additionally, the committee will explore the constitutional amendment process, considering both parliamentary and popular initiatives, including potential referendum requirements for certain amendments.

The fate of the NADCO report now rests with the Joint Justice and Legal Affairs Committee, which will determine necessary amendments and decide whether the implementation process will proceed through Parliament or involve citizen engagement.