Top Judge Under Fire From (JSC) For Misconduct

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has taken decisive action by recommending the suspension of Environment and Land Court Judge Mohamed Noor Kullow due to allegations of gross misconduct, incompetence, and violation of the Judicial Service Code of Conduct. In a statement released by the JSC and signed by Chief Justice Martha Koome, the Commission revealed that it received a total of five petitions calling for Justice Kullow’s removal from office. These petitions cited various violations of the Constitution of Kenya and the Judicial Service Code of Conduct.

Furthermore, the JSC initiated proceedings for Justice Kullow’s removal based on complaints regarding inordinate delays or failures to deliver rulings or judgments in 116 matters. The Commission found that three of the petitions and the proceedings initiated by the JSC itself demonstrated grounds for the removal of Justice Kullow from office.

In addition to Justice Kullow’s suspension recommendation, the JSC also took action against Principal Magistrate Patrick Wambugu for gross misconduct. Wambugu was accused of irregularly altering bond terms, leading to the release of an accused person charged with defilement of a six-year-old minor. Subsequently, the accused person absconded bail.

The statement released by the JSC further disclosed that since January 2023, the Commission has received a significant number of petitions or complaints against judges. While some were dismissed on grounds related to the merits or decisional independence of a judge, others are still pending preliminary evaluation. Additionally, three petitions have been admitted for hearing, and four petitions have been forwarded to President William Ruto for the appointment of a tribunal.