A Resident Of Meru County Seeks to Kick Governor Kawira Mwangaza Out Of Office For Gross Misconduct

A resident of Meru County has filed a petition before the county Assembly seeking the removal of Governor Kawira Mwangaza. Mr Thuranira Salesio Mutuma accused the governor of gross misconduct and abuse of office. Mutuma said Mwangaza, who was elected on an independent ticket, appointed Francis Muigai as the new General Manager of the Meru County Revenue Board without following due process.

“On 11th September 2022, Hon. Kawira Mwangaza on her Facebook Page declared that she is not ready to work with other leaders since she is an Independent Governor. “On 30th September 2022, Hon. Kawira Mwangaza unveiled her Cabinet team that violated Article 27 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010, and Section 35 of the County Government Act No. 17 of 2012. “Effect to this violation I wrote a memorandum and an Affidavit to the County Assembly of Meru Appointment committee and I raised the said red flags,” Mutuma said in his petition. He further argued that the governor appointed the County Secretary without the MCAs’ approval.

“On 30th September 2022, Hon. Kawira Mwangaza appointed Mr Rufus Miriti as the County Secretary contrary to Section 44 of County Governments Act No. 17 of 2012. That is the reason why his name was not forwarded to the County Assembly for vetting purposes,” he stated.

He added: “On 25th October 2022 Hon. Kawira Mwangaza while in Abogeta West Ward, South Imenti Constituency appointed Alternative ‘MCAs’ to replace the Constitutional Roles of the duly elected member of the said ward Hon. DMK Kiogora. This was a declared coup d’etat against all elected MCAs which is contrary to Chapter Six of the constitution of Kenya 2010. “It is uncontroverted that Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza has violated, infringed and threatened the Constitution and all other relevant provisions of the law hence the grounds of gross misconduct and abuse of abuse are substantiated,” added the petition

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