Why DP Gachagua Opposed Kabogo Pick As CS Opting For Moses Kuria Instead 

Sources say that although DP Gachagua has vowed to ensure William Kabogo remains in the political wilderness for the longest time possible, President Ruto might consider him for the chairmanship of a state corporation or diplomatic posting

Former Kiambu Governor William Kabogo is a man under siege.  Details have emerged of how some powerful politicians in the country are plotting how to clip his political wings even further, a move which if well- executed would bring to an end Mr Kabogo’s political career.

The Weekly Vision has gathered that there is no love lost between Mr Kabogo and Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua. Although much is not known about his relationship with President William Ruto, sources say DP Gachagua’s inner circle has vowed to teach Kabogo a political lesson.

Although Kabogo conceded defeat, he claimed DP Gachagua had engineered his downfall and that the election was marred with regularities not just in the gubernatorial vote but in all other elective seats. According to Mr Kabogo, the total Kiambu Gubernatorial vote aggregated by form 37B was 822,609. This is about 70% voter turnout as compared to the actual 55% KIEMS voter turnout of 645,000 voters

The two men fell out in the run-up to the last general elections when Mr Kabogo told off DP Gachagua over his call for a six-piece voting pattern in favour of UDA party candidates in Kiambu County. Initially, there were rumours that President Ruto and Kabogo had struck a deal to allow him to fly the gubernatorial flag in Kiambu a move that would have seen him finish his second and last term as governor but politics later played out with DP Gachagua allegedly engineering and financing campaigns against Kabogo.

Kabogo had to abandon UDA to form his political party, Tujibebe Party on whose ticket he run for the top seat eventually losing to UDA’s Kimani Wamatangi who garnered 348,371 votes beating second-placed Patrick Wainaina who bagged 273,361 votes. Kabogo finished a distant third garnering 106,980 votes.

Although Kabogo conceded defeat, he claimed DP Gachagua had engineered his downfall and that the election was marred with regularities not just in the gubernatorial vote but in all other elective seats. According to Mr Kabogo, the total Kiambu Gubernatorial vote aggregated by form 37B was 822,609. This is about 70% voter turnout as compared to the actual 55% KIEMS voter turnout of 645,000 voters.

Mr Kabogo blamed DP Gachagua for having been the force behind his frustrations during campaigns within the Kenya Kwanza coalition. It is against this background that when President Ruto named the cabinet, Gachagua is said to have pushed for Moses Kuria to be appointed Cabinet Secretary as opposed to Kabogo.

Sources say although Gachagua has vowed to ensure Kabogo remains in the political wilderness for the longest time possible, it is being whispered that President Ruto might consider him for the chairmanship of a state corporation or diplomatic posting.

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