Elgeyo Marakwet UDA Party Aspirants Claim Nominations Were Tainted With Irregularities

Tim Kipchumba, a politician cum businessman who came in second, disputed the results, claiming that they were marred by countless irregularities despite the United Democratic Alliance party leader, President William Ruto, having good intentions

Some of the aspirants who were eyeing to step into Kipchumba Murkome’s shoes as Senator for the Elgeyo Marakwet on the United Democratic Alliance party ticket have castigated the just concluded nominations excises arguing that it was tainted with anomalies.

Mr William Kisang won the UDA ticket having garnered 28,136 votes, while Tim Kipchumba and Jonah Tanui tied for second place with 26,766 votes each, Cherotich Seii finished fourth with 8,540 votes. Tim Kipchumba, a politician cum businessman who came in second, disputed the results, claiming that they were marred by countless irregularities despite the United Democratic Alliance party leader, President William Ruto, having good intentions.

“Thank you Elgeyo Marakwet! Thanks to our team and fellow aspirants! We articulated a better vision. But the UDA primaries, even as well intended to be free and fair by William Ruto were marred by countless irregularities. We’ll issue a statement soon,” Kipchumba said in a tweet. He further claimed that voters in his polling station were forced to return home without voting.

“Voters especially those in Marakwet East (my own polling station) had to turn back yesterday after they ran out of ballots,” he added. Coming in fourth, Seii criticized the procedure after the results were announced on Sunday, saying there was a low voter turnout that mysteriously developed into an exceptionally large one.

“To the wonderful people of Elgeyo Marakwet County, kongoi mising for your votes. Against the backdrop of all that transpired including low voter turnout that magically evolved into an extraordinarily high one…” Seii said in a tweet.

Despite failing to make the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party ticket in nominations held on Saturday, Seii insisted that her ambitions to serve the people of Elgeyo Marakwet in the Senate are still alive.

“…I will simply say that my journey to the Senate is not over,” She added. The just concluded party nominations follow the resignation of Transport Cabinet secretary Kipchumba Murkomen who stepped down from his senatorial seat following his appointment to the cabinet.

By Lavin Atieno

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