Governor Lenku Dismisses Allegations In Court, Claims Petitioners Are On A Fishing Expedition

Lenku took to his Facebook page soon after leaving the court’s premises to air out his sentiments, assuring his followers that he would triumph at the trial. “It was our turn at the Kajiado Election Petition Court to prove that we won the August 9 election fair and square. I had the opportunity to demonstrate before the court that Kajiado residents expressed their will and exercised their democratic right to vote for leaders they desire. The allegations by the substituted petitioner are a fishing expedition that lacks any iota of evidence that they lost the election unfairly

Kajiado governor Joseph Ole Lenku has dismissed allegations made by his political opponent during the August 9th elections. Mr Lenku asserted before Lady Justice Janet Mulwa that he won the gubernatorial polls fair and square. He appeared before the judge at the Kajiado law courts to testify in a petition filed contesting his win. He denied allegations that he was involved in any electoral malpractices, claiming that the case challenging his win had no merit.

The petitioners Nchogu, Omwayanza & Nyasami Advocates Company, on behalf of Katoo Ole Metito and Pere Judy Naiyeyo, his running mate in the August election, request that the interlocutory stage, an order of inspection, recount, and audit of election materials at the different polling stations and tallying centres be carried out.

Additionally, they want the court to void the reappointments of the third (Lenku) and fourth (Moshisho) defendants as governor and deputy governor of Kajiado, respectively. Lenku took to his Facebook page soon after leaving the court’s premises to air out his sentiments, assuring his followers that he would triumph at the trial. “It was our turn at the Kajiado Election Petition Court to prove that we won the August 9 election fair and square. I had the opportunity to demonstrate before the court that Kajiado residents expressed their will and exercised their democratic right to vote for leaders they desire. The allegations by the substituted petitioner are a fishing expedition that lacks any iota of evidence that they lost the election unfairly.

 It is all clear from the submissions that we shall triumph,” Lenku posted on his official Facebook page shortly after leaving the court. Governor Lenku won the seat on an ODM ticket after garnering 117,600 votes against the petitioner’s (Katoo Ole Metito) 111,725 votes. Despite his loss, Metito who vied for the Kajiado seat on a UDA ticket was appointed by President Ruto to serve as the Statehouse comptroller in October.

By Lavin Atieno

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