Big Names Left Out In Nairobi Chief Officers Final List

Former Minority leader and Embakasi MCA Michael Ogada who vied for the Embakasi East MP position but lost is also missing from the final list of 33. Sources say UDA leadership has not forgiven him for moving the motion to impeach Governor Mike Sonko.  Mr Sakaja is said to have been warned against having such a man in his government who would betray him

Governor Johnson Sakaja OF Nairobi County has forwarded the names of 33 persons nominated for approval for appointment as Chief Officers for various county government sectors. The notable names that were left out but had been shortlisted include that of Simon Leboo Morintat who is currently Chief Officer in charge of Public Service Management.

Leboo was once a powerful Chief Officer under former governor Mike Sonko’s administration when a position of Deputy County Secretary was created specifically for him; he also served as acting County Secretary. Also left out is former UDA Dagoretti North aspirant Gabriel Chapia. He is said to have played a pivotal role in governor Sakaja’s campaigns in Dagoretti. It is not however known why he has been left in the cold.

Former Minority leader and Embakasi MCA Michael Ogada who vied for the Embakasi East MP position but lost is also missing from the final list of 33. Sources say UDA leadership has not forgiven him for moving the motion to impeach Governor Mike Sonko.  Mr Sakaja is said to have been warned against having such a man in his government who would betray him.

Also missing from the final list is former Nairobi Metropolitan Services Director for Health Fredrick Ouma Oluga and former head of security and enforcement Tito Kilonzi and Halkano Waqo Dida who served as chief officer for Finance and ICT, and who is a brother of former EACC boss Halake Waqo.

Notable names who have qualified for the appointments and who will now face the vetting committee in the county assembly include Winnie Gachangu – Economic Planning. She had served as CEC in Sonko’s administration and successive governments. Patrick Analo Akivaga who will head the Urban Development and Planning docket, Justus Kathenge nominated to the Boroughs and Sub-County Coordination.

Others are Ibrahim Otieno Nyakach who landed a powerful seat of Environment, Oscar Omoke Ocholla who was ODM’s 2017 Lang’ata parliamentary candidate and Geoffrey Omoke Mosiara to be in charge of Health Facilities.

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