Looming Demo In Siaya County Over Power Outages

Residents of Siaya County under the banner of the Siaya County Chamber of Commerce threatened to hold a public demonstration against Kenya Power Company over what they say are frequent power outages in the county. According to the residents and businessmen in major towns within the county, Siaya County has faced frequent power outages that have crippled businesses in the region since September.

The branch’s chairperson Roseline Amuga has vowed to lead a massive protest against Kenya Power staff in the county, she accused the power utility firm of incompetence. “If it is a matter of incompetence on the part of those involved in the distribution of electricity, then they should be transferred. We have given them two weeks to correct the situation or else, will hold the  mother of all protest against them,” Amuga said.

Due to frequent power blackouts, jua kali artisans who depend on electricity to run their businesses have gone to a loss. They are now threatening to force the Kenya Power Branch manager out of the office and be replaced by a more competent officer. Small businesses such as fast food joints, barbers, salons, and electric repair shops among others have continued to count losses as they are unable to operate during the outage period costing them important earnings at a time when the cost of living in Kenya is worryingly high. Siaya Township ward MCA Obiero Otare has also vowed to mobilize the residents to hold a peaceful protest against the KPLC officials.

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