Kenya Airports Authority MD Facing The Axe Over Azimio Links

  • Sources told The Weekly Vision that Mr Gitari’s appointment by the KAA board was not procedural. He was appointed as the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer by the KAA board on July 8th 2021 for three years. According to the board, Gitari emerged as the best candidate after a rigorous interview process which was conducted as per the KAA Act and Public Service Commission guidelines. However, sources well versed in the operations of the board revealed that he was not the top candidate during the interviews; he was imposed on the board by powerful forces within the Jubilee administration

A purge targeting the top managers of State Corporation to weed out individuals perceived to have taken sides and publicly campaigned for the Azimio presidential candidate Raila Odinga continues.  The Weekly Vision has reliably established that the axe could soon fall on the Kenya Airports Authority (KAA) Managing Director Alex Gitari.

 Impeccable sources reveal that Mr Gitari has been targeted and it is just a matter of time before he is sent on compulsory leave to pave way for investigations into his conduct. Sources say that Mr Gitari used his position to mobilize resources as well as monetary assistance to Raila Odinga’s presidential campaigns.

But it was not only his involvement in politics that could see him shown the exit door, sources say even his appointment by the KAA board was not procedural. He was appointed as the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer by the KAA board on July 8th 2021 for three years. According to the board, Gitari emerged as the best candidate after a rigorous interview process which was conducted as per the KAA Act and Public Service Commission guidelines. However, sources well versed in the operations of the board revealed that he was not the top candidate during the interviews; he was imposed on the board by powerful forces within the Jubilee administration.

It has also been said that it was through the influence of the former powerful Interior PS Karanja Kibicho and the former Transport PS Paul Maringa. Sources say, at one time former Transport CS James Macharia complained regarding circumstances under which Mr Gitari manoeuvred his way into the plum job. Sections of KAA staff have also been claiming that the workers’ morale is at the lowest ebb due to Gitari’s impunity and highhandedness. Powerful forces within the corridors of the State House are now said to have plotted how to send him home and replace him with a loyal and trusted CEO.

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