Zanzibar Celebrate 59th Revolution Anniversary

Zanzibar marked its 59th Revolution Anniversary on Thursday last week with an array of achievements made in the social and economic spheres.  The President of Zanzibar Hussein Ali Mwinyi described the prevailing peace, unity and solidarity as monumental achievements made in the past 59 years of the Islands’ revolution.

Mr Mwinyi said without the three pillars it could have been difficult for the Islands to implement the development plans as put in place by the manifesto of the ruling party Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) and the 2050 Development Vision.

He urged Zanzibaris to continue working hard to improve their welfare. President Mwinyi said Zanzibar’s economy grew 5.1 per cent in 2021 compared to the 1.3 per cent economic growth that was recorded in 2020. He also said that the annual inflation rate continued to be controlled in 2022 at 5.08 per cent. He mentioned other achievements as increased registration of investment projects and improvement in social services, including education, health and infrastructure.

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