How The Controversial Construction Of Dandora Stadium Still Haunts Nairobi’s Ex-Governor Mike Sonko

The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) in its report claimed that Sonko’s administration was involved in changing the cost by Ksh.350 million.  PPRA asked the Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission (EACC) to institute a probe against Sonko and some top county officials over suspected fraud and irregular payment of more than Ksh.196 million to the contractor

Former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko’s tribulations are far from over despite the recent dismissal of a case in which he had been sued over the alleged loss of Ksh. 1.7b. The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission is still investigating the former governor in a Ksh.1b tender.

The EACC is investigating an allegation of procurement irregularities in the award of tender No. NCC/ED/T/193/2017-2018 for the construction of Dandora Stadium, the tender was awarded to M/s Scanjet Construction Ltd in the Financial Year 2017/2018 at Ksh. 1,000,300,000. The alleged scam was first raised by the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) which recommended investigations into City Hall over variations in the cost of the proposed construction and renovation of Dandora stadium.

Dandora Stadium

The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) in its report claimed that Sonko’s administration was involved in changing the cost by Ksh.350 million.  PPRA asked the Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission (EACC) to institute a probe against Sonko and some top county officials over suspected fraud and irregular payment of more than Ksh.196 million to the contractor.

The authority found City Hall culpable of altering, the contract awarded to M/s Scanjet construction, in addition to irregular payment of Ksh.196.8 million in the construction of the Stadium. The PPRA report read in part “It has been observed the county government has actually gone ahead to irregularly pay the contractor an amount of Ksh.196.8 million despite a warning from the technical evaluators of the county”. Another key aspect that the authority wants EACC to investigate is an alleged forgery of a cabinet memorandum that PPRA says appeared to have been forged to state that the stadium should be steel when the work was at 70 per cent complete.

Several county staff have so far been summoned by EACC to clear the air. Among those who had recorded statements are former Environment executive Vesca Kangogo, former finance chief officer Ekaya Alumasi, Urban renewal, housing and project management chief officer Marion Rono, M.M. Muiruri (acting deputy director quantity survey section), Preston Miriti (procurement officer) and Lydia Kwamboka (County Attorney).

Others are Peter Kariuki (former county secretary), Abdimutalib Ibrahim (former Sports chief officer) and J.K M’riria (former public works and transport chief officer). Others are Everlyne Kerubo (supply chain management), Muthoni Ouko (former Education CEC) and J.N. Muchina ( former acting assistant director for quantity survey.

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