Kakamega Woman Rep Donate Items To Students Affected By Dormitory Fire

The school Principal Bernard Wamanga thanked the leaders from the county and national governments for providing the essentials to the school. “We are back on course as we have received some basics to enable us to continue with our end-term exams and as we wait for the law to take its course, I want to call upon my students to uphold the rule of law as we await justice. Our security detail has been enhanced to scuttle any future attempt of the same nature and as the management; we assure our students that they are safe.”

By Andanje Wakhungu


The management of Friends School Kivaywa was all smiles after an MP kept her promise of assisting students affected by a dormitory fire at the school. The office of the Kakamega County Women’s Rep Elsie Muhanda and her team visited the school where the team donated personal effects to the over 280 students who had lost personal belongings after one of their dormitories was razed down by fire from suspected unruly boys who have since been arraigned in court.

During the event, the MP gave out toiletries including soap toothpaste and brushes, and undergarments.  The leader condemned the act and stated that it was unfortunate for the school to undergo such setbacks now owing to its improving academic standards where it was declared the best-performing school within the Matete sub-county. The MP advised the students to concentrate on their studies and stop being misled by a few elements within the school. 

She said she was touched by the situation at the school and opted to come to their rescue. The county government of Kakamega undertook to provide mattresses and blankets as area MP Nabii Nabwera pledged to equip the dormitory with new beds. Speaking during the incident earlier, the MP stated that the school will not be closed as those behind the heinous act have already been arrested.

“This is our best school and we are not going to let a few students ruin the learning pattern of others, we will continue to stand with the school. I want to assure parents that their children are in safe hands and there is no cause for alarm, I call on the students to focus on education matters seriously since their future will be determined by the levels attained.”

Kakamega Women MP Elsie Muhanda donates toiletries to students affected by the dormitory inferno

My office has an affirmative action plan, to cater for all students as we have taken up on educating total orphans (Eagle Scholars) besides also handling early mothers to go back to school, already there are some at the university level, we also take others to NITA for those who did not qualify to join universities and we encourage them to train in technical courses such as carpentry, masonry, and tailoring to enable them to be able to fend for themselves. 

The school Principal Bernard Wamanga thanked the leaders from the county and national governments for providing the essentials to the school. “We are back on course as we have received some basics to enable us to continue with our end-term exams and as we wait for the law to take its course, I want to call upon my students to uphold the rule of law as we await justice. Our security detail has been enhanced to scuttle any future attempt of the same nature and as the management; we assure our students that they are safe.”

 “Already the main culprits, six in number, have been arrested and will face the law as we use our surveillance and mechanisms to get others who might have been involved, already we have talked to innocent boys not to worry and we promise that we will produce the needed results.”  The area MP Nabii Nabwera categorically cautioned all those harbouring similar behaviour to desist, he challenged the parents to be at the forefront in instilling discipline into their children.

“We know you and where you come from and we are keenly scrutinizing every move and I call upon our stakeholders to team up and bring sanity to the school by identifying unruly students.” The Kakamega County Deputy Governor Ayub Savula warned that parents will bear the brunt of repairing the dormitory since they had failed to discipline their children back home and further told the students to name others involved in the night inferno so that they can also be held responsible.

“It is becoming a habit of students razing down schools and the mandate to repair being left to the county and CDF, this time round we want the parents whose children were involved to bear the burden and this will make them more responsible to monitor their children’s behaviours while at home.

But to mitigate what happened here at the school the county government will provide mattresses and blankets to the affected students to enable learning to continue as normal but we will make changes at the same and we are in agreement with the school management and other leaders so that those behind the act carry the burden.” The Board of Management chairman Amos Mmbaka confirmed that the area Mp will provide some amenities including 140 double-decker beds, blankets and mattresses as the school is to provide uniforms to those affected and called on the students to remain calm and concentrate on their education as they are being assisted.

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