Deep Cracks Emerge In Azimio La Umoja After Raila Odinga Held Secret Meetings With President Ruto 

To begin with, Martha Karua was conspicuously absent during the burial of Field Marshal Mukami Kimathi in Nyandarua County. It is said she was absent by choice after indicating earlier that she was not ready to share a platform with a government she does not recognize. During the burial, Mr Odinga was only accompanied by former Muranga Governor Mwangi Wa Iria and Jubilee party Secretary General Jeremia Kioni

By The Weekly Vision

Deep political cracks seem to be emerging within Azimio Azimio La Umoja barely 48 hours after President William Ruto and Raila Odinga met twice within 24 hours. The two meetings In Kasarani stadium and Nyayo during sporting events do not seem to have gone down well with a section of top Azimio leaders with sources saying Narc-Kenya leader Martha Karua, a well-known hardliner not happy with Raila Odinga’s latest close links with William Ruto.

To begin with, Martha Karua was conspicuously absent during the burial of Field Marshal Mukami Kimathi in Nyandarua County. It is said she was absent by choice after indicating that she was not ready to share a platform with a government she does not recognize. During the burial, Mr Odinga was only accompanied by former Muranga Governor Mwangi Wa Iria and Jubilee party Secretary General Jeremia Kioni. Also conspicuously missing was DAP-K leader Eugene Wamalwa with sources saying Mr Wamalwa and President Ruto clashed in the run-up to the last elections when the president allegedly referred to him as a woman. 

Sources say Mr Wamalwa has vowed that he will never shake hands with William Ruto. Details as to why Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka skipped the burial remain scanty but sources say he too does not have time for President Ruto. Another notable absentee was Roots Party leader Wajakoya, his absence also raised eyebrows. Unconfirmed reports however say that Raila Odinga’s newfound love with William Ruto does not have the approval of his other Azimio Coalition top brass and that there are fears that Raila Odinga could be pulling the rug under the feet of his colleagues. 

Sources say that Mr Odinga’s attendance of the Mukami burial was within his rights and that he had declared publicly that he would attend, but what is causing trouble in Azimio is the events after the burial. It was not a mere coincidence that both the president and Raila Odinga both flew directly to Kasarani Stadium for the Kip Keino Classic athletics meeting and the following day at Nyayo Stadium for the Mashemeji soccer derby. The truth of the matter is that both the Kasarani and Nyayo stadium meetings were pre-arranged. The two were even captured in a widely circulated photo holding a meeting in the presence of Ababu Namwamba who is the Cabinet Secretary for Youth Affairs, Sports and Arts. It is being whispered that it was Ababu who brokered the deal to have the two leaders hold a private meeting at Nyayo Stadium. 

Interestingly, even Ruto’s close allies who were at the stadium including Prime CS Musalia Mudavadi were not allowed into the meeting. Political analysts now say that Raila Odinga and William Ruto have broken a truce and the two will be holding secret meetings to sort out pending political matters including the aborted bi-partisan talks.

Political commentators further claim that it is just a matter of time before Azimio disintegrates with Martha, Wajakoya, Kalonzo and Wamalwa parting ways with Raila Odinga over his links with Ruto, the man they have refused to recognize as president. Others opine that Raila Odinga could be abandoning his known abrasive and combative politics and accept the president’s call for the creation and entrenchment into the constitution of the position of Official Opposition with a full Shadow Cabinet. 

If this happens then the event will re-unite Azimio as Raila heads to parliament, and Karua will be at the senate. In the shadow cabinet, Kalonzo will, definitely be the Cabinet prime Secretary with Kioni, Wamalwa, and Wajakoya taking top cabinet slots. It is imperative to note that in most democracies, shadow cabinets are paid salaries and allowances similar to that of a Member of Parliament, as to whether the truce brokered by Ababu Namwamba will last, only time will tell. 

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