Politicians Should Stop Interfering In Churches Affairs – Prof. Wajackoyah

By The Weekly Vision

The Roots party leader Prof. George Wajakoyah has asked politicians to stop interfering with religious leaders. Speaking in Bungoma on Tuesday, Wajakoyah said that every individual has the freedom of worship stated under articles 24 and 32 of the Kenyan Constitution. “Article 24 in the Constitution clearly outlines the freedom and the right to worship, nobody should harass anybody because of the religion one subscribes to,” he stated. The Roots party boss pointed an accusing finger at Bungoma governor Ken Lusaka, Kimilili MP Didmus Barasa and Kakamega Senator Bonny Khalwale for being on the forefront to say that ‘Yesu wa Tongaren’ should be arrested and investigated.

“I was very annoyed when I saw the tweets of some senior politicians linking ‘Yesu wa Tongaren’ to cultism, this is our own son, why persecute him?” Wajakoyah posed a question. However, Wajakoyah said that not everybody should be linked to the Shakahola incident in Kilifi, noting that even the accused person, Paul Mackenzie, remains innocent until proven guilty.

“Yesu wa Tongaren is an innocent man who is on his work to preach the word to the people,” he said. Wajakoyah argues that if Yesu wa Tongaren was a rich man all politicians could be going to his place every time to glorify him so that they get wealth.

He instead asked politicians drawn from the Western region to support ‘Yesu wa Tongaren’ preach to people the good news. “The police were granted four days to conclude their investigations at Yesu wa Tongaren’s place but nothing was found, meaning he is a pure man preaching the word of God,” he said. He lauded Tongaren MP and former defence CS Eugene Wamalwa for being true Luhya men and firmly standing with ‘Yesu wa Tongaren’ in Court.

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