By Andanje Wakhungu
Leaders within the newly constituted Kabras West sub-county have been asked to end the ongoing wrangles by agreeing on a place where their headquarters will be stationed and allow the Independence Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) to commence its work before the 2027 general election. Speaking during the commissioning of a dormitory at Silungai girl’s school the leaders drawn mostly from the Kabras East sub-county warned that the ongoing stalemate between warring parties within the Sub County was suicidal and could end up having the subdivision of the constituency scrapped one more time.
Led by former deputy governor gubernatorial aspirant John Marani, the leaders observed that politics had taken centre stage in the whole process with two opposing sides threatening to scuttle the whole process for their selfish interests. “We as the Kabras East sub-county we have already agreed where our headquarters will be located and we are waiting for our West counterparts to agree to allow the implementation process but it seems they are divided on where they should set their headquarters as they have allowed hardliners to control them and in the end we will all loose, let us look at the bigger picture of what benefits will come with the constituency being split into two”

The sentiments were echoed by the Manda Shivanga Mca David Iraya Kivishi who asked the residents to put aside their political differences and unanimously agree on one location as their headquarters so that plans to develop the two sub-counties should kick start in good time.
The benefits that will come with the two sub-counties are immense and we should embrace them instead of allowing petty politics to ruin this golden opportunity because of one or two people here and there, there will be job creation, more resources, more employment and above all more development to the area and this is what we want, so it is a good thing to have the two sub-counties”
The Silungai location Chief Harrison Muyundo added his voice on the issue stating that it was time for the two sub-counties leaders to come together and plan how they will benefit from the subdivision instead of bringing politics in the whole issue.
He also warned those leaders criticizing the government to stop noting that they should accept that they are their elected leaders for the next five years. “Beginning from the grass root to the national level let us
all respect our leaders and work with them to prosperity instead of criticizing them in public as we can’t grow our economy by holding demonstrations, recently our president through his personal assistant Farouk Kibet were at Kamasai and we hugely benefited after most of our schools from those areas were each given Ksh. 2 Million and soon he will be back at Shiandiche area, please come out in large numbers and support their initiative as we are the ones bound to benefit again. The president has a soft spot for the Kabras people and the best we can do is to support his leadership”.