Shock As Greenpeace Activists Carry Out Protest On The Roof Of British PM’s House

Four Greenpeace activists were arrested yesterday after demonstrating for seven hours on the roof of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s home. The PM is away on a ten days holiday in the US with his wife and two daughters.

The protesters arrived at the Prime Minister’s mansion in Richmond, North Yorkshire, at 6 am, two hours before police were alerted just after 8 am. They eventually came down around 1 pm before being loaded into the back of police vans and taken away. A fifth person was arrested in connection with a Greenpeace protest where four demonstrators scaled Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s North Yorkshire home.

Major security questions have been raised over how the stunt was carried out. The security arrangement at Mr Sunak’s house has not been revealed, although witnesses pointed out that any camera surveillance that may be in the area did not trigger an alert because police were not informed for two hours. Experts said Mr Sunak is normally protected by close protection officers, MI5 and anti-terror police.

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