Raila Odinga Has Ditched Martha Karua For Kalonzo Musyoka Ahead Of The 2027 Presidential Elections-Sources Say

Sources now say that there has been a secret war within Azimio between Kalonzo and Karua over who should be the deputy official opposition leader in case the ongoing bipartisan talks at the Bomas of Kenya concur to create the office, however, the matter is said to have been settled at the London meeting. The agreement is that since Kalonzo Musyoka is the one spearheading and co-chairing the talks, and considering that the Wiper Party is the second largest party in terms of parliamentary strength within the Azimio coalition, it will only be prudent to have him named as deputy opposition leader

The Weekly Vision Political desk

Political undercurrents in the Azimio Coalition point to a possible divorce between ODM party leader Raila Odinga and Narc-Kenya’s Martha Karua. According to well-placed sources within the coalition, Mr Odinga has already settled on Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka as his pick for the Azimio Presidential candidate ahead of the 2027 elections.

Keen watchers of the political landscape in Kenya will attest to the fact that Mr. Musyoka has of late increasingly taken a prominent role in Azimio la Umoja’s activities while his counterpart in Narc-Kenya looks increasingly like she has been forced to take a back seat away from activities concerning the Azimio coalition. Pundits opine that the secret meeting held a few weeks ago in the United Kingdom whose convener was former President Uhuru Kenyatta and attended by both Raila and Kalonzo, could have sealed the fate of Mrs Karua as far as the 2027 Azimio presidential flag bearer is concerned.

To that end, Mr Odinga has already indicated his willingness to back Mr Musyoka as his successor. A section of ODM elected leaders and close Odinga allies have also indicated on many occasions that they are ready and willing to support Kalonzo Musyoka in 2027. And just to show how he is becoming increasingly influential in Azimio, Kalonzo Musyoka has been hosting a series of top-brass meetings at his Karen office and also reading the coalition’s joint statements.

Sources now say that there has been a secret war within Azimio between Kalonzo and Karua over who should be the deputy official opposition leader in case the ongoing bipartisan talks at the Bomas of Kenya concur to create the office, however, the matter is said to have been settled at the London meeting. The agreement is that since Kalonzo Musyoka is the one spearheading and co-chairing the talks, and considering that the Wiper Party is the second largest party in terms of parliamentary strength within the Azimio coalition, it will only be prudent to have him named as deputy opposition leader to Raila Odinga.

Those backing Mr Kalonzo Musyoka claim that the Wiper party is the second-largest party in Azimio after ODM with 25 elected MPs, as compared to Martha Karua’s party which has no elected representative either in Parliament or county assembly. Secondly, there are several politicians who now say that Kalonzo Musyoka has faithfully stood with Raila Odinga for long and that it is high time he is backed for the presidency in 2027. Kalonzo Musyoka has shelved his presidential ambitions in the last three general elections of 2013, 2017, and lately the 2022 elections.

Sources say that although the Official Opposition Leader and the deputy are to be members of parliament, with the Leader joining the National Assembly while the Deputy joins the Senate, Raila Odinga has confided in his close allies that he does not wish to be a member of parliament.

What this means, therefore, is that he will delegate the role to Kalonzo Musyoka to be the minority leader in the national assembly and have the Jubilee Party take over as the minority leader in the Senate. If that arrangement is actualized, then Kanu Secretary General Jeremiah Kioni will be the minority leader in the Senate.

Under such arrangements, sources say Karua and Raila will remain outside parliament, with Karua taking up a senior position in the shadow cabinet. It is being whispered that she might land the position of shadow attorney general. However, there are indications that Karua is pushing to have her take up the position of minority leader in the national assembly. She is, however, disadvantaged by the mere fact that she cannot be a minority leader without any MP elected on her party ticket.

If she is denied the slot, analysts say Karua could soon be out of Azimio in protest; however, her chances of joining Kenya Kwanza are slim. Sources say Karua could be plotting to make a second stab at the Kirinyaga gubernatorial seat in 2027, where her main rival could be Purity Ngirici, who has since rejoined Kenya Kwanza. Aware that the incumbent, Ann Waiguru, is serving her second and final term, the seat will be up for grabs in 2027. Karua is also aware that her chances of flying the Azimio presidential flag or being a running mate are almost nil, hence the plot to walk out of Azimio.