Sakaja Brushes Off Babu Owino’s  2027 Bid For Governor 

Nairobi County Governor, Johnson Sakaja, has shrugged off assertions made by Embakasi East Member of Parliament, Babu Owino, regarding a potential challenge to his governorship in 2027.

In a recent statement, Babu Owino criticized Sakaja’s leadership, citing alleged corruption and mismanagement in the city. However, during an interview on Radio Jambo, Sakaja swiftly dismissed any likelihood of Babu Owino unseating him in the upcoming elections.

Sakaja rebuked Babu Owino for engaging in premature politicking instead of prioritizing service delivery to his constituents. He confidently asserted, “He cannot win in 2027. People in Nairobi are smart enough and they know in whose hands the county will be safe.”

The governor refuted accusations of corruption leveled against him, including allegations of utilizing Nairobi taxpayers’ money to acquire properties in Runda, South Africa, and Dubai.

With this firm response, Sakaja asserts his confidence in the discernment of Nairobi residents and his commitment to continuing his governance with integrity and dedication.