Wiper Party Leader Kalonzo Musyoka Plans To Take Legal Action Against Government Over Embakasi Gas Tragedy 

Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka has announced his intention to file a lawsuit against Energy Cabinet Secretary Davis Chirchir, Principal Secretary Alex Wachira, and Environment Principal Secretary Eng. Festus Ng’eno in connection with the recent gas explosion tragedy in Embakasi. Kalonzo asserts that these officials bear the highest responsibility for ensuring the safety of Kenyans and should be held accountable for the incident.

In addition to seeking legal recourse, Kalonzo has called upon the government to expedite compensation for all victims of the explosion. “Waadhiriwa wote walipwe kiasi fulani, laki tano, hata inaweza kwenda juu ya maumivu waliyo nayo,” he emphasized.

Meanwhile, four suspects, including Derrick Kimathi, the owner of the gas plant, and officials of the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), Joseph Makau, David Walunya Ong’are, and Marrian Mutete Kioko, remain in police custody as investigations into the incident continue.

The suspects, who face charges including murder, conspiracy to commit a felony, negligence, causing harm, and abuse of office, were presented in court before Nairobi magistrate Dolphina Alego. The prosecution requested a 21-day detention period to allow for the completion of investigations, citing the suspects’ attempts to evade capture and the extensive resources invested in their apprehension.

Kimathi, the proprietor of the illegal gas-filling plant in Mradi, Embakasi East, where the tragedy occurred, is accused of operating the facility without proper authorization. The explosion, which occurred on Thursday night, resulted in the loss of seven lives and left nearly 300 others injured.

As the investigation unfolds and legal proceedings progress, the focus remains on ensuring justice for the victims and holding accountable those responsible for the tragic incident in Embakasi.