How Governor Wanga Sealed Evans Kidero’s Political Career In Homa Bay

By The Weekly Vision Team

Governor Gladys Wanga of Homa Bay is emerging as a skilled political strategist after enduring a tough battle in the 2022 gubernatorial elections. She has gained immense popularity among the people of Homa Bay and the wider Luo region as a whole. 

In the lead-up to the last elections, Homa Bay witnessed political division over the gubernatorial contest, with two groups emerging, one in favour of Mrs Wanga and the other supporting former Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero. Despite several opinion polls indicating a close contest, Wanga emerged victorious with 244,559 votes against Kidero’s 154,182 votes. Nevertheless, Kidero refused to accept defeat and challenged the outcome in court; unfortunately for him, the High Court upheld Wanga’s victory. 

Former Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero. Courtesy

President William Ruto then extended a political lifeline to Kidero by naming him Chief Administrative Secretary in the Ministry of Investments, Trade, and Industry. Regrettably for him again, his joy was short-lived as the High Court ruled that the positions were unconstitutional.

The court’s decision left Mr Kidero in a state of political limbo; uncertainty now surrounds the Kenya Kwanza government’s intentions to pursue an appeal, and some of the CAS nominees have already been offered alternative positions in government. According to political pundits, Mr. Kidero is increasingly concerned about the current political landscape in Homa Bay. Firstly, he has been unable to successfully promote UDA in the region as ODM still enjoys maximum support, contrary to initial expectations. Additionally, it appears that Ruto’s close associates have realized Kidero’s political influence has weaned in Homa Bay. 

Mr. Kidero is now concerned about the emerging political alliance between Governor Wanga and President Ruto. The two have maintained a harmonious political relationship, a fact that has not gone unnoticed by Mr. Kidero and his supporters. Keen political observers claim that President Ruto could have indirectly given his endorsement to Wanga for a second term, an issue that is causing uneasiness among Kidero’s supporters. 

To show how Ruto has a soft spot for Wanga, during his recent visit to Homa Bay, he granted Wanga’s wish for the Mashujaa Day celebrations in 2025 to be hosted in Homa Bay. Analysts believe that this decision reflects Ruto’s favouritism towards Wanga. 

Mr Kidero may also find himself in a challenging position if Raila Odinga secures the African Union Commission chairmanship and decides to support Ruto’s 2027 presidential campaign as a gesture of goodwill. In such a scenario, it is evident that the president will not endorse Kidero against Wanga in the 2027 elections. Furthermore, it should be underscored that Kidero has been missing in action. It is noteworthy to mention that Kidero has never graced any of the Wanga functions presided over by President Ruto. Analysts say that it is evident that Wanga has achieved remarkable progress in terms of development, setting her up for a convincing victory over all other candidates in 2027.