Here Is A List Of Institutions On The EACC Radar Over Corruption

A report by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission titled “Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission Report Of Activities and Financial Statements For The Financial Year 2021/2022” has revealed a list of several institutions plus individuals who are actively under investigation for corruption.  The report covers 457 cases that are under investigation for corruption, economic crimes, bribery and unethical conduct. 

One of the cases is no. EACC/FI/INQ/01/2020 where the EACC is investigating an allegation of procurement irregularities in a tender for the provision of staff medical cover awarded to AAR Insurance Kenya Ltd during the FY 2017/2018 by Nairobi City County Government valued at Ksh. 1,725,488,939.

Another case is that of allegations of irregular payments in the acquisition of Kenya Utalii College, Coast Branch (Case No. EACC/MLD/FI/INQ/4/2021) by the Tourism Fund valued at Ksh. 8,500,000,000. A special audit report cited a former senior ministry of tourism official Joyce Mutugi over the scam, she has since gone into retirement. EACC is trying to inquire under what circumstances the project cost escalated from its original Ksh. 1.9 billion to Ksh. 8.9 billion before it was scaled down to Ksh. 4.9 billion. The lady tended to always change ministries soon after scandals erupted, she moved from the Ministry of Tourism when the ministry was involved in a Ksh8.5 billion scandal over the inflation of cost for the acquisition of Ronald Ngala Utalli College after having been transferred to the Ministry of Health following the Afya House Container scandal. She is now at Kilimo House with the Ministry of Housing.

In case No. EACC/PI/INQ/37/2019, EACC is investigating an allegation of embezzlement of funds in a tender to drill geothermal wells in Baringo County. The tender was awarded to Hong Kong Offshore Oil Services Limited by Geothermal Development Company to the tune of Ksh. 5,900,000,000.

National Hospital Insurance Fund is also under the radar of EACC (Case No. EACC/FI/INQ/77/2017). EACC is investigating an allegation of procurement irregularities in a tender and contract for the construction of a multi-storey car park in Nairobi for Ksh. 3,900,000,000.

Kenya Ports Authority is also under investigation over alleged procurement irregularities in a tender for the construction of Shimoni Fishing Port in Kwale County during the FY 2021/2022. Case No.EACC/MSA/FI/INQ/03/2022. The tender is valued at Ksh. 2,600,000,000. The National Museums of Kenya through case No.EACC/FI/INQ/41/2021 is being investigated over an allegation of embezzlement of funds in a scheme involving payments to ghost workers between August 2015 to February 2022. The amount involved is Ksh. 566,000,000.

The County Government of Kitui is also on the EACC radar through Case No.EACC/MCKS/FI/INQ/24/2021. EACC sleuths are investigating an allegation of misappropriation of Covid-19 grants during the FYs 2019/20 –2021/22 valued at Ksh.420, 000,000.

Nyamira County Assembly leadership is also being investigated through case No. EACC/KSI/FI/INQ/8/2018. The inquiry is into an allegation of procurement irregularities in a tender for the construction of the County Assembly office block awarded to Jetta Construction Company Ltd for Ksh. 379,000,000

Machakos County Assembly leadership through case No. EACC/MCKS/FI/INQ/17/2020 is also being investigated over procurement irregularities in a tender for the Construction of County Assembly Chambers awarded to Amber Construction Company Limited for Ksh. 349,000,000.

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